
4) Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve Cost Rica

A forest reserve named after the nearby town of Monteverde. The reserve consist of over 10,500 hectores (26,999 acres)  of tropical rainforest and visited by roughly 70,000 visitors a year. The Reserve consists of  the 6 ecological zones, 90% of which are virgin forest. The reserve has an extremely high biodiversity, consisting of over 2,500 plant species (including the most orchid species in a single place. 100 species of mammals, 400 bird species, 120 reptiles and amphibian species, and thousands of insects.

5) Daintree Rainforest, Australia

The Daintree Rainforest is a tropical rainforest region located on the north east coast of Queensland, Australia, North of Mossman and cairns. At around 1,200 Square Kilometer (460 sq. mi)  The Daintree is the largest continuous area of tropical rainforest on the Australian continent. Along the coastline north of the Daintree River, tropical rainforest grows right down to the edge of the sea.  The tropical rainforest ecosystem of the Daintree Rainforest is on of the most complex on Earth. Its plant diversity and structural  complexiy is unrivalled on the Australian continent and represents the origins of its more familiar 'Australia' flora.

6) Amazon Rainforest, South America

 A moist broad-leaf rainforest that covers 5,500,000 square km (2,100,000 Sq. mi). This region is located within a nation: 60% of the area is in Brazil, and the rest is in Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana. The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining, it comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world.

7) The Hoia Forest

The Hoia Forest is a first to west of the city of Culj-Napoca, near the open-air of the ethnographic Museum of Transylvania. The forest is used as a common recreation destination. In recent years a biking park has been added to forest, along with areas for other sports such as Pain-ball, Air-soft, Archery. It has a reputation for paranormal phenomena. On August 18, 1968, a military technician from culj named Emil Barnea captured a famous photograph of a UFO  ove5r the forest's PoianaRotunda (The Round meadow) The photo was judged to be among the few of its kind, which were supposedly "authentic" according to assessments.

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